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At Wrightfield, we are a one stop shop when it comes to meat and poultry processing. We design and manufacture our own equipment as well as providing a dedicated and responsive after sale service, as we discuss further in this post.

Meat and Poultry Processing – Design

All of our meat and poultry processing equipment is designed in-house. This allows us to manage both documentation and assembly approaches, in turn maximising efficiency and enabling us to meet very tight completion dates.

The design of our products is reached via a process of continual assessment and improvement. We welcome and encourage feedback from our customers, vital data that we use to arrive at the most innovative and efficient design solutions.

Meanwhile, our experience across multiple sectors – including seafood, fruit & veg and bakery – give us an invaluable insight into systems and processes. We have found that approaches that we use for one sector can often be applied to another, allowing us improve the design of our meat and poultry equipment.

materials handling meat processing equipment conveyor, pace deboning Conveyor Belt Food

Meat and Poultry Processing – Manufacture

We offer a range of meat and poultry processing equipment, including de boning, dicing and weighing machinery. We manufacture all of our food processing systems ourselves, utilising the ample room we have available in our 26,000 square foot factory. In this manufacturing plant, we have an extensive array of cutting edge equipment, including punching, shearing and bending machinery.

By carrying out our own manufacture, we are able to ensure that our extremely high safety and hygiene standards are met and surpassed.


As industry experts, we understand that in the meat and poultry processing sector, reliability is key. Unplanned downtown can have serious consequences to a company so we offer a dedicated and responsive after sales service to both proactively prevent and repair any potential issues. This includes emergency breakdown repair, planned maintenance and the supply of spare parts and components.

Click on the following link to find out more about meat and poultry processing or this link for information on other stainless steel equipment manufactured by Wrightfield.

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